Paraffin embedded tissue of 49 stage C and 27 stage B prostate adenocarcinomas was investigated by flow cytometry. All patients were treated by radical prostatectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy and followed up for 5-10 years. The tumour was separated from the benign tissue to increase the proportion of tumour cells. Ten stage C and seven stage B carcinomas had to be excluded because of poor fixation. Six of the 39 (15%) stage C and 1/20 (5%) stage B carcinomas were aneuploid. Cell cycle analysis was done with correction for sliced nuclei and background subtraction. The threshold between carcinomas with low and with increased ("tetraploid") G2M-fraction was determined by comparing carcinomas with and without tumour progression. Sixty-seven percent of the patients with non-euploid stage C carcinomas and 11% of those with euploid carcinomas suffered from tumour progression (P < 0.01). The respective values for the stage B carcinomas were 67% and 6% (P < 0.01). These results demonstrate the strong prognostic impact of DNA-ploidy and G2M-fractions for each individual patient.