The expression of rat brain sodium channel alpha-subunit mRNAs I, II and III and a putative glial cell-specific sodium channel (NaG) mRNA was examined in cultured astrocytes from P-0 rat spinal cord by RNA blot hybridization and by non-isotope in situ hybridization cytochemistry utilizing two independent sets of isoform-specific RNA probes. Sodium channel mRNA I was not detectable in the cultured astrocytes by RNA blot or in situ hybridization. Sodium channel mRNA II showed negligible-to-low levels of expression in flat, fibroblast-like and 'pancake' astrocytes at 4 days in vitro (div), while stellate, process-bearing astrocytes exhibited low-to-moderate levels of mRNA II expression. At 7 div, mRNA II expression ranged from low-to-moderate in flat astrocytes and was moderately high in most process-bearing astrocytes. In RNA blots, a weak band was observed at 9.5 kb. Sodium channel mRNA III expression was negligible in flat astrocytes and was detectable in low-to moderate levels in stellate astrocytes beginning at 4 div; by 7 div, mRNA III was detectable in low levels in flat astrocytes and low-to-moderate levels in stellate astrocytes. RNA blots showed two bands of nearly equal intensity, one at 9.0 kb and one at 7.2 kb. NaG mRNA showed increased expression with time in culture, being detectable in flat and stellate astrocytes at 4 div and becoming very prominent in flat astrocytes at extended times in culture. In RNA blots of cultured astrocytes at 7 div, a strong hybridizing signal with the NaG probe was observed. These observations demonstrate that flat and stellate astrocytes cultured from rat spinal cord express rat brain sodium channel mRNA II and III, and NaG, and suggest that astrocytes in vitro may co-express multiple forms of sodium channel mRNA.