In male F344 rats pretreated with diethylnitrosamine (DEN), subsequent administration of clofibrate increased the proportion of eosinophilic foci, to become the most abundant type, and reduced numbers of basophilic, clear and vacuolated foci, the total not being changed. A similar shift towards eosinophilia was also observed in phenobarbital-treated animals, but in this case clear increases in total number and area were apparent. Expression of the glutathione S-transferase placental form (GST-P) in foci was much lowered by clofibrate treatment, while the proportion of positive foci was very high in both phenobarbital and control groups. A marked contrast was found with eosinophilic foci, with 74% positive after phenobarbital as compared to only 15% for clofibrate. Thus, the decrease in GST-P positive foci by clofibrate was mainly due to increased negativity in the most abundant eosinophilic type foci. In a long-term feeding study without DEN initiation, similar negativity of foci was observed and, furthermore, only minimal effects of clofibrate on foci development was revealed in both young and old animals.