Morphologic appearance and metabolic disturbances of the brain of a patient with L-2-hydroxyglutaric acidemia were investigated with use of magnetic resonance imaging and localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in vivo. Whereas magnetic resonance imaging revealed increased internal and external cerebrospinal fluid spaces as well as patchy white matter lesions, metabolic deviations included a 50% decrease of N-acetylaspartate (neuronal marker), a 75% increase of myo-inositol (glial marker), and a 40% decrease of choline-containing compounds in white matter relative to age-matched controls. A clinical deterioration of the patient was clearly reflected in a follow-up examination 22 mo later, resulting in a further reduction of N-acetylaspartate and a more pronounced enhancement of myo-inositol. No elevation of lactate was observed. The magnetic resonance spectroscopy findings are in line with a generalized neurodegenerative process in L-2-hydroxyglutaric acidemia but also suggest a defect in phosphatidyl inositol metabolism of glial cells.