The Directive 93/67/EEC on the principles for assessment of health and environmental risks associated with the traffic of newly introduced chemicals was discussed. The Directive applies to so called new chemicals which require notification in countries of the European Community. Risk assessment is essential for risk management which comprises control, prevention and reduction of harmful effects of chemicals on the human health and environment. In Poland an act on chemicals is being drafted which will, among others, include the provisions on health and environmental risk assessment. The principles presented for risk assessment and methods for identifying the hazard, assessing the magnitude of exposure as well as the characterisation of risk and development of criteria for drawing final conclusions can be, in opinion of the authors, adapted to the Polish legal regulations. It is suggested to built up a subject matter background and to publish guidelines on the magnitude of admissible risk acceptable to populations exposed, manufacturers and importers as well as to the state administration. An admissible risk should be specified for all health and environmental effects and for groups of exposed population stratified according to age and health state.