Methods for quantitative imaging of ultrasound propagation properties were applied to the examination of the acoustic appearance of lesions generated by high intensity focused ultrasound in excised pig livers. Single lesions, about 10 mm maximum diameter by 30 mm long, were created in each of six liver specimens. Two dimensional images (32 by 32 points) of sound speed, mean attenuation coefficient (as a function of frequency in the range 3 to 8.5 MHz) and mean backscattering coefficient (5 to 8 MHz) were obtained in 7 mm thick sections of tissue, cut to include a cross-section through the lesion. Images of these properties, presented alongside surface photographs of the samples, provided a qualitative demonstration that attenuation coefficient was the most useful and backscattering coefficient was the least useful acoustic parameter for visualizing such lesions. Quantitatively the data demonstrated significant increases in attenuation coefficient and sound speed in lesioned liver relative to normal, whereas backscattering was shown not to change in a significant manner except when undissolved gas is the mechanism for increased acoustic scattering. Samples where gas was not fully removed following lesion production gave significant increases in backscattering at the lesion centre, but the shape and size of regions of high backscattering coefficient corresponded poorly with the shape and size of the lesions, unlike attenuation and sound speed for which such correspondence was good.