The P sequence of the human interleukin-4 (IL-4) gene, which was defined as a responsive element for phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and calcium ionophore (A23187) in Jurkat T cells, shares sequence similarity with the NF-kappa B and the NF-AT binding sites. We examined whether NF(P), a nuclear factor specific for the P sequence, is related to NF-kappa B and NF-AT. NF-kappa B (P65 or P65/P50 heterodimer) bound to the P sequence in electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) and activated transcription through the P sequence when expression plasmids were cotransfected with P sequence-driven reporter plasmids in Jurkat T cells. In EMSAs, NF(P) binding was inhibited by the unlabeled NF-AT binding site but not by the unlabeled AP1 binding site and purified NF-AT contained an activity that bound to the P sequence. Both mobility shift and sequence specificity of NF-AT were similar to those of NF(P) and only a small amount of P65 was detected in NF(P) in crude nuclear extracts. These results indicate that the component(s) of NF-AT has the potential to reconstitute NF(P) whereas NF-kappa B alone cannot account for NF(P) in crude extracts. Unlike NF-AT, NF(P) does not contain AP1 as its DNA binding component.