Phylogenetic relationships among the 16 extant genera of Ceboidea (the New World monkeys) were examined using aligned epsilon-globin gene sequences from 19 New World monkeys (representing all 16 extant ceboid genera), and seven catarrhines (one Old World monkey and six hominoids) and tarsier as the outgroups. The consensus maximum parsimony tree found for these epsilon-globin sequences and the levels of support from parsimony and bootstrap analyses, for the clades in this tree, provided strong evidence for a cladistic classification with the following clusters. Subtribes Callitrichina (Callithrix, Cebuella), Callimiconina (Callimico), Leontopithecina (Leontopithecus), and Saguina (Saguinus) constitute subfamily Callitrichinae, and subfamilies Callitrichinae, Aotinae (Aotus), Saimiriinae (Saimiri), and Cebinae (Cebus) constitute family Cebidae. In turn, subtribes Chiropotina (Chiropotes, Cacajao) and Pitheciina (Pithecia) constitute tribe Pithecini, tribes Pitheciini and Callicebini (Callicebus) constitute subfamily Pitheciinae, tribes Atelini (Brachyteles, Lagothrix, Ateles) and Alouattini (Alouatta) constitute subfamily Atelinae, and subfamilies Pitheciinae and Atelinae constitute family Atelidae. The two families (Cebidae and Atelidae) constitute the Ceboidea, the only extant superfamily of infraorder Platyrrhini. The sister-group relationships of Brachyteles and Lagothrix, Saguinus and Leontopithecus, and Callimico with a Cebuella/Callithrix clade is not as well supported by the parsimony and bootstrap analyses. Therefore, these relationships are not incorporated in the proposed cladistic classification. On determining branch lengths for the ceboid phylogenetic tree from only the more freely evolving noncoding sequences at the epsilon-globin locus and taking the reference age of 35 million years ago (MYA) for the New World monkey-catarrhine branch point, we estimated the age of the atelid-cebid branch point as about 20 MYA, and the ages of the next branch points, those between the subfamilies in each family, as 19-16 MYA.