Continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC) is now a standard procedure in cataract surgery. In pediatric eyes, however, this technique is difficult to perform. Because of the elasticity and tension of the pediatric anterior lens capsule, the danger of radial tears is high. Similar conditions are found in the rabbit eye. The anterior lens capsule of young albino rabbits is very elastic. We developed a CCC technique in rabbits that allows a controlled round capsular opening. This technique was used in an experimental study with 16 rabbits (32 eyes). Mean capsulorhexis diameter was 4.9 mm +/- 0.9. A radial tear occurred in only two of 32 cases. The technique, which permits a controlled circular anterior capsulectomy for capsules with high surface tension and elastic properties, may be useful in pediatric cases. A clinical trial appears warranted.