The effectivity of Betadine skin and mucosa disinfectant solution and Betadine hand disinfectant soap (MUNDIPHARMA A. G. and EGIS Pharmaceuticals has been examined in hospitalized patients and hospital employees. The history of the production of polyvynilpyrrolidone-iodine (PVP-Iodine) the mechanism of actions and the biological effects of these products have been discussed. Bacteriological samples were collected from the skin of four regions most frequently used for injection (fossa cubitalis, right and left hands and gluteal region, right and left sides) of 10 hospitalized patients before and after washing these regions with Betadine. The average of 68 microorganisms Colony Forming Unit (CFU) recorded before disinfection decreased below 1 CFU on average in the samples taken after disinfection. From both hands of 6 hospital employees 190 CFUs could be demonstrated following washing hands with the commonly used soap. After washing hands with Betadine soap a total of 1 CFU could be demonstrated. The hands of 44 hospital employees were infected with E. coli of non-pathogenous reference strain whereafter samples were collected. After the disinfection of the hands with Betadine liquid soap samples were taken again. In the samples taken before disinfection an average of 745 CFUs, in samples taken after disinfection an average total of 11 CFUs were found. The results prove the outstanding disinfectant action of the two examined Betadine products.