This phase III randomised trial examined the early effects of two low dose rates (0.38 and 0.73 Gy/h) in brachytherapy of stage I and IIp cervical cancer patients. A total of 204 patients were included between January 1985 and September 1988. Since the main analysis of this paper concerned surgical difficulties, only the 155 patients (76%) on whom surgery was performed at the Institut Gustave-Roussy were retained in this analysis. Treatment consisted of uterovaginal 137Cs irradiation followed by immediate or deferred surgery. The two groups were similar for pretreatment characteristics except for endocervix involvement. Their brachytherapy parameters were also similar (60 Gy pear dimensions, doses to critical organs, total kerma, etc.). The factors with a poor prognosis were, for surgical difficulties, older age, stage II and a small irradiated pear volume; for difficulties with haemostasis, immediate surgery, stage II and previous surgery; and for difficulties in dissection, lymph node involvement. The dose rate significantly influenced surgical difficulties for the stage IIp patients operated on by deferred surgery. Those treated with the higher dose rate showed a 2-fold increase in surgical difficulties compared to those irradiated at the lower dose rate (P = 0.03). The independent prognostic factors for sterilisation of the surgical specimen were small tumour size and absence of lymph node involvement. An inverse dose rate effect was observed for medium size tumours, with significantly more sterilisations observed in stage IIp patients in the lower dose rate group (P < 0.01).