We report differences among BALB/c substrains in susceptibility to Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV)-induced demyelinating disease, an immune-mediated inflammatory demyelinating disease and experimental model for human multiple sclerosis. BALB/cJ and BALB/cAnNCr mice are susceptible, while BALB/cByJ and BALB/cCum are resistant. Hybrids between BALB/cBy and BALB/cAnNCr were intermediate, although closer to the resistant parent. Backcrosses gave results compatible with differential susceptibility being related to a single segregating locus. Exposure of resistant BALB/cByJ mice to low dose irradiation, 2 days prior to infection, rendered them susceptible to TMEV-induced demyelination. The susceptibility pattern of TMEV-induced demyelinating disease among BALB/c substrains is distinct from those of several autoimmune disorders.