The possibility that both ETA and ETB endothelin receptor subtypes could mediate contractile activity in the same tissue was investigated in isolated, endothelium denuded rabbit pulmonary arteries. The ETB selective agonist, sarafotoxin 6c (S6c), produced potent contractile activity, equal to the non-selective ETA and ETB receptor agonist endothelin-1 (ET-1), indicating a contractile role for ETB receptors in this tissue. In addition BQ-123 (10.0 microM), the ETA selective antagonist, was only partially effective in blocking ET-1 induced contractions further indicating a contractile role for ETB receptors. However, the partial blockade by BQ-123 suggested a possible contractile role for ETA receptors. To address this possibility, ETB receptors were desensitized with a 30 minute pretreatment of S6c (0.01 microM). Under these conditions, we were able to demonstrate full ET-1 contractile activity that was now sensitive to blockade by BQ-123. The coexistence of both ETA and ETB receptors was confirmed through receptor binding experiments indicating 40/60 ratio, respectively. We conclude that 1) both ETA and ETB receptors coexist on vascular smooth muscle of rabbit pulmonary artery, 2) activation of either receptors subtype results in contraction, and 3) prolong activation of the ETB receptor subtype produces tachyphylaxis preventing further activation by S6c or ET-1.