Estradiol was administered to 3 steers (0.12 mg/kg of body weight/d for 14 consecutive days), followed by 2 days of nonfeeding (starvation). During estradiol administration, liver nuclear estrogen receptor and serum apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100), as well as serum triglycerides concentrations were increased, compared with values before administration. Starvation, together with interruption of estradiol administration, resulted in rapid decreases of the receptor, serum apoB-100, and serum triglycerides concentrations, and increase of nonesterified fatty acids concentration. Of the 3 steers, 2 had higher liver triglyceride content, compared with values before treatment. In the control group (3 steers that received vehicle alone, then starved similarly), these concentrations, except for serum nonesterified fatty acids and triglycerides concentrations after starvation, were not changed. In another experiment, serum apoB-100 concentration in dairy cows was significantly (P < 0.05) lower at parturition than values before and after parturition. These results indicate that estradiol may be involved in development of fatty liver in cattle.