In exploring the structural features which determine the antitumor activity of 2,4,6-tris-[(hydroxymethyl)methylamino]-1,3,5-triazine (trimelamol, 1), we have synthesized analogues in which the methyl groups have been replaced by the electron-withdrawing substituents 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl (5), propargyl (13), and cyanomethyl (15) via the respective tris(alkylamino)triazines 3, 12, and 14. Three mono[(hydroxymethyl)amino]triazines (4, 7, and 10) were also prepared. All the new tris(hydroxymethyl) derivatives showed cytotoxicities toward a variety of experimental rodent and human ovarian tumor cell lines similar to those shown by 1, the cyanomethyl analogue (15) having the most favorable profile. Mono(hydroxymethyl) derivatives (4 and 7) were ca. one-third as toxic. The new tris(hydroxymethyl) analogues were more stable to aqueous hydrolysis than was 1. Half-life (pH 7.5) values were, for 1, 120 min, for 5, 690 min, for 13, 450 min, and for 15, 275 min, but at pH 2.0, 15 (t1/2 350 min) was the most stable. This cyanomethyl analogue was also the most water-soluble, being comparable to 1 whereas 5 and 13 were poorly soluble.