Recent studies have demonstrated an important contribution of the A5 noradrenergic cell group of the rostral medulla in the regulation of nociceptive messages at the level of the spinal cord. These noradrenergic controls parallel those arising from the serotonin-containing neurons of the nucleus raphe magnus. In the present study, we used postembedding immunogold staining to identify GABA-immunoreactive terminals that synapse upon identified spinally projecting noradrenergic neurons of the A5 cell group in the rat. A5 projection neurons were identified by Fluoro-Gold transport from the spinal cord; sections containing retrogradely labelled cells were then immunoreacted for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) to identify the catecholamine-containing, presumed noradrenergic, neurons. Double-labelled A5 cells were intracellularly filled with Lucifer Yellow (LY) and then the LY was photo-oxidized to an electron-dense product. Seven intracellularly filled TH-immunoreactive projection neurons were studied with postembedding immunocytochemistry. Each A5 neuron received a significant GABA-immunoreactive terminal input. Out of a pooled total of 151 terminal profiles found in apposition to intracellularly labelled somatic and dendritic profiles, 31 (20.5%) were GABA-immunoreactive. The proportion of GABA-immunoreactive terminals that contacted somatic profiles (12/72; 17%) was similar to the proportion that contacted TH-labelled dendritic profiles (19/79; 24%). There was a discernible synaptic specialization in about 50% of the labelled terminals that contacted the TH projection neuron. Both symmetric and asymmetric synaptic specializations were found. Labelled terminals contained round or pleiomorphic vesicles, but not flat vesicles; many also contained dense-core vesicles. Our results indicate that noradrenergic neurons of the A5 cell group, which contribute to both antinociceptive and cardiovascular controls through their projection to the spinal cord, are regulated by local GABAergic, presumably inhibitory, mechanisms. Whether the initiation of A5 neuron activity results from a lifting of tonic GABAergic inhibitory control, as has been proposed for the neurons of the nucleus raphe magnus, remains to be determined.