The characterization of regional myocardial stress distribution has been limited by the use of idealized mathematical representations of biventricular geometry. State-of-the-art computer-aided design and engineering (CAD/CAE) techniques can be used to create complete, unambiguous mathematical representations (solid models) of complex object geometry that are suitable for a variety of applications, including stress-strain analyses. We have used advanced CAD/CAE software to create a 3-D solid model of the biventricular unit using planar geometric data extracted from an ex vivo canine heart. Volumetric analysis revealed global volume errors of 4.7%, -1.3%, -1.6%, and -1.1% for the left ventricular cavity, right ventricular cavity, myocardial wall, and total enclosed volumes, respectively. Model errors for 34 in-plane area and circumference determinations (mean +/- SD) were 5.3 +/- 6.7% and 3.8 +/- 2.7%. Error analysis suggested that model volume errors may be due to operator variability. These results demonstrate that solid modeling of the ex vivo biventricular unit yields an accurate mathematical representation of myocardial geometry which is suitable for meshing and subsequent finite element analysis. The use of CAD/CAE solid modeling in the representation of biventricular geometry may thereby facilitate the characterization of regional myocardial stress distribution.