The effect of the menstrual cycle on esophageal emptying is unknown. We investigated the influence of the menstrual cycle on esophageal transit of liquid and solid boluses in 30 healthy, normally menstruating women who were 20 to 46 years of age. Each subject was studied during the follicular (days 8 through 10) and the luteal (days 18 through 20) phase of the menstrual cycle. Subjects swallowed a 10-ml bolus of water and two solid boluses, each radiolabeled with 100 microCi of 99mTc sulfur colloid. Esophageal scintigraphy was used to assess esophageal emptying of the liquid and solid boluses. Our results showed no significant differences in esophageal transit of either liquid or solid material between follicular and luteal phases. We conclude that esophageal emptying is unaffected by the phases of the menstrual cycle.