Background: The vital outcome for treated medulloblastoma in children is generally positive provided there is no evidence of recurrence 18 months after initial surgery and radiotherapy. Late recurrences have, however, been reported.
Case report: A medulloblastoma in the posterior fossa of a 10 year-old-boy was treated by almost complete surgical excision, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. One year later, the CT scan was normal but, 4 years after surgery, it showed supra-and infratentorial tumors. Progressive hydrocephaly required a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. 9 years after the initial surgery, progressive neurological degradation and the presence of cells in the CSF were treated by several courses of chemotherapy, with subsequent improvement of the neurological condition. This boy is in a stabilized condition 11 years after the discovery of the tumor.
Conclusion: The first symptomatic recurrence of medulloblastoma was late, more than seven years after surgery. This recurrence was supra-and infratentorial and responded to non intensive chemotherapy.