We report the case of a 14-year-old girl with multiple findings characteristic of Noonan's syndrome, including short stature, mild mental retardation, facial, skeletal and renal abnormalities. In addition, ophthalmic examination revealed a keratoconus in the left eye and a right optic disc coloboma. To date, only two cases of Noonan's syndrome with keratoconus have been reported, and this is the second case of this syndrome with optic disc coloboma. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Noonan's syndrome associated with unilateral keratoconus and contralateral optic disc coloboma. In view of the large number of patients with Noonan's syndrome reported to date and the rarity of these ocular abnormalities, it is most likely that this association is fortuitous. Ocular findings reported in patients with Noonan's syndrome are reviewed.