The vp7 genes of 194 strains of group A rotaviruses representing all known G types were analyzed with three restriction enzymes by direct digestion of amplified cDNA copies or by deduction of the restriction patterns from known sequences. Mammalian rotavirus strains were classified into 28 restriction patterns consisting of combinations of the 6 profiles (s1 to s6) obtained by digestion with Sau96I endonuclease, 9 profiles (h1 to h9) obtained with HaeIII, and 15 profiles (b1 to b15) obtained with BstYI. Digestion with Sau96I and HaeIII identified restriction sites common to all, or almost all, rotavirus strains studied, whereas BstYI was the most discriminating among rotavirus strains. A clear correlation between some restriction patterns or individual profiles and G type and/or host species of origin was found. Several discriminatory restriction sites consisted of type-specific nucleic acid sequences that encoded conserved amino acid residues. Although not directly involved in antigenic diversity, these sites appear to indicate the G type of the isolate. The technique permits rapid comparison of a large number of virus isolates directly from fecal specimens and provides useful markers for investigating the evolution of rotavirus vp7 genes and tracing vaccine virus and interspecies transmission.