Push-type jejunal endoscopy using a long forward-viewing duodenofiberscope was performed in two patients with primary jejunal carcinoma. Patient 1, a 48-year-old female, complained of nausea, vomiting, and weight loss, whereas patient 2, a 65-year-old female, presented epigastric pain. The lesion was located in the upper portion of the jejunum, and diagnosis was made by a double-contrast X-ray study of the small intestine in both patients. Endoscopic examinations revealed a reddish, nodular polypoid lesion with an annular constriction and an irregular central ulceration. Endoscopic biopsy confirmed a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma in both patients. Push-type jejunal endoscopy is valuable for an accurate preoperative diagnosis of primary jejunal carcinoma.