Three experiments, using 85 crossbred beef calves, were conducted to evaluate the adjuvanticity of single, multiple, and combined doses of recombinant bovine IL-1 beta (rBoIL-1 beta) and recombinant bovine IL-2 (rBoIL-2), with a modified-live bovine herpesvirus-1/parainfluenza-3 (BHV-1/PI-3) virus vaccine and a killed bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus vaccine. Cytokines were administered intramuscularly at vaccination but at different injection sites. All cytokine treatments increased non-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted cytolytic capability of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) against virus-infected target cells and serum neutralizing (SN) antibody titers to BHV-1 and BVD virus. Multiple, consecutive injections of rBoIL-2 generally showed the greatest adjuvant effect, and no additive effect was observed when rBoIL-1 beta and rBoIL-2 were administered together. In a challenge experiment, calves were vaccinated with a modified-live BHV-1/PI-3 vaccine and infected with BHV-1 on Day 21. Cytokine-treated calves had higher SN antibody titers to BHV-1 than did the control calves at the time of challenge. Calves that were administered rBoIL-2 on 5 consecutive days shed less BHV-1 and had the highest SN antibody titer to BHV-1 (Day 28). These data suggest that rBoIL-1 beta and rBoIL-2 may be useful immunoadjuvants for bovine respiratory disease virus vaccines.