Cyclophosphamide/mafosfamide-resistant L 1210 cell line [L 1210(Cy)R] was established from a sensitive parental line. The L 1210(Cy)R line was resistant to cyclophosphamide at the dose of 100 mg/kg. Cells of L 1210(Cy)R line were more immunogenic for semisyngeneic CD2F1, mice as compared with parental line. They grew slower in immunocompetent mice compared to immunosuppressed mice. It has been shown that L 1210(Cy)R cells treated with mafosfamide at high concentration not only retained immunogenicity but were even more immunogenic than parental L 1210 cells. In conclusion, it was possible to produce immunogenic, nondividing leukemia cells even when cells were resistant to the cytostatic used for cell modification.