Objective: To present and analyse the results of eight years of experience (1983-1990) in breast tumour receptor analysis.
Design: All female primary breast tumour samples received (4683) were analysed for seasonal variation, patient age, relative risk index, oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) status, ER and PR status as a function of age, ER and PR levels as a function of age, and ER and PR levels as a function of month of analysis.
Setting: The assays were done at the Medical Research Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital, Melbourne, as a non-profit service to surgeons, oncologists and pathologists.
Results and conclusions: The numbers of samples referred for assay increased progressively each year, from 473 in 1983 to 1097 in 1990, but the receptor status (ER +/-, PR +/-) appeared not to vary from year to year. ER+PR+ tumours were the most common in all age groups, steadily increasing from between 50% and 60% in premenopausal women to 70% or more in those aged over 80. In postmenopausal women, levels of ER in ER+ tumours were three times those in premenopausal women; PR levels in PR+ tumours, however, were bimodal, with higher levels in the age groups 35-49 and 70-89 years than in women aged 50-69 years. No significant seasonal variation was seen, and the overall patterns of receptor status are similar to those seen in Northern hemisphere studies.