Previous work has shown that raclopride in water at neutral pH exists in a zwitterionic form, suggesting a stereoelectronic structure largely different from that of other benzamides. In the present study, the acid-base behavior of other 6-methoxysalicylamides is shown to be comparable to that of raclopride. An extensive investigation by high-temperature molecular dynamics gave insight into the conformational behavior of neutral and zwitterionic raclopride in vacuum and in water. Partitioning of raclopride and a more rigid analogue with characterization (by first-derivative UV spectroscopy) of the predominant forms in the organic phase indicated that only neutral, internally H-bonded forms partition into the organic solvent. Thus, the predominant forms of 6-methoxysalicylamides will be very different in the aqueous and organic phases. In the latter phase, and hence presumably also in the receptor phase, the drugs exist with a neutral, internally H-bonded phenolic group and are therefore stereoelectronically similar to other substituted benzamides.