A linkage map of 11 short tandem repeat polymorphisms was constructed for human chromosome 6. The order from p to qter was F13A1-D6S105-D6S254-D6S251-D6S252-D6S24 9-(ARG1-D6S87)-D6S250-D6S255-D6S253. For the region spanned by the 6q markers, the male map distance was less than half the female map distance (58 and 126.3 cM, respectively). Two-point linkage analysis was also used to position the markers relative to markers in the CEPH public database. Physical mapping of these markers was completed using a somatic cell hybrid panel that contained varying segments of chromosome 6. Two of the markers mapped to the short arm of chromosome 6; the remainder were spaced over 86.5 cM of the long arm from 6q13 to 6qter. The linkage and physical maps were completely consistent.