The single-dose pharmacokinetics of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) given SC was investigated in 20 patients aged 7-20 years at different stages of chronic renal failure. In a pilot study we confirmed the lower bioavailability of the drug in 2 children when given SC compared with the IV route (24% and 43%, respectively). Following administration of 4,000 units/m2, rHuEPO SC effective serum erythropoietin concentrations increased from a mean baseline level (+/- SD) of 23 +/- 13 units/l to a mean peak concentration of 265 +/- 123 units/l, which was reached after 14.3 +/- 9.4 h, followed by a slow decline until baseline values were attained at 72 h. Mean residence time was 30 +/- 9 h and mean elimination half-time 14.3 +/- 7 h. The single-dose kinetics of SC rHuEPO in children with different degrees of renal failure are comparable to those in adult patients. Possibly, the higher efficacy of SC rHuEPO in patients with renal anaemia compared with IV rHuEPO is related to its prolonged action.