The effect of electrical stimulation of the ventroposterolateral (VPL) thalamic nucleus on mechanical allodynia in the unrestrained awake rat was investigated. In 7 rats, a monopolar stimulation and recording electrode was implanted in the VPL thalamic representation area of the hindpaw. Exact target localisation was performed by means of thalamic evoked potentials induced by stimulating the contralateral tibial nerve. A peripheral mononeuropathy was induced by partly ligating the right sciatic nerve. Sensitivity of the hindpaws to mechanical stimulation was assessed with a set of von Frey hairs. One to 4 weeks after nerve ligation, all rats showed allodynia to mechanical stimulation and signs of spontaneous pain. Electrical stimulation of the contralateral VPL thalamic nucleus abolished the mechanical allodynia observed at the nerve ligated side. The effect of VPL stimulation outlasted the stimulation period by 15 min. No effect on the withdrawal thresholds at the control (sham operated) side was observed. These animals data support the clinical reports that stimulation of the sensory thalamus may alleviate pain of neuropathic origin.