We describe our experience with the hemi-Kock ileocystoplasty with a continent abdominal stoma as an alternative to an indwelling catheter or supravesical diversion in 14 women and 4 men with various problems who could not perform intermittent urethral self-catheterization. The aim of management was also to provide, if possible, a competent urethra for additional access. Mean patient age was 37 years (range 22 to 75) and mean followup was 26 months (range 5 to 58). Preoperative management in the 11 wheelchair dependent women with neurological disease was an indwelling catheter in 7, urethral intermittent catheterization with the patient in the supine position in 3 and diapers in 1. Two women with a nonneurogenic bladder and a grossly incompetent urethra (1 after multiple incontinence and fistula repairs, and 1 after severe obstetrical trauma) wore diapers, while 1 with urinary retention and inability to perform self-catheterization had an indwelling catheter. The 4 men included 2 wheelchair dependent incontinent spinal cord injury patients who could not be managed with condom drainage, 1 with multiple anomalies who had trouble with self-catheterization, and 1 with an impassable postoperative stricture and a suprapubic tube. Surgery included anti-incontinence procedures in 10 patients and bladder neck closure in 3. A total of 15 patients required bladder augmentation in addition to the stoma and 3 had a stoma alone. Postoperative intervention was necessary in 4 women for stomal incontinence and in 2 of these bladder stones were removed simultaneously. One of these women was later treated for recurrent stones cystoscopically through the stoma. Overall, 17 of 18 patients are dry on intermittent stomal catheterization, with 1 lost to followup. We conclude that this procedure is a good alternative in patients with an end stage urethra or who cannot perform urethral catheterization because of physical disability. Establishing urethral continence and maintaining patency leaves a safety valve should the stoma fail. Since the bladder remains as a reservoir no ureteral surgery is necessary.