DNA methods to diagnose Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) are not always informative, and we have published previously the first instance of in utero muscle biopsy to assess dystrophin in a male fetus having the same "X" as an affected sib. We present here a female fetus with a de novo X,1 translocation with breakpoint at Xp21, detected on amniocentesis for advanced maternal age. The translocation breakpoint placed her at high risk for DMD. In utero muscle biopsy at 20 weeks of gestation produced a specimen positive for dystrophin immunofluorescence indicating a likely normal fetus. The pregnancy was continued, and at term the baby girl was found to have normal serum creatine kinase levels, and was therefore unaffected with DMD. Our experiences add de novo Xp21 translocation to the indications for in utero muscle biopsy for diagnosis of DMD.