Flushing hepatic grafts immediately before revascularization with a specially designed rinse solution such as "Carolina rinse" has been reported to improve survival after liver transplantation in the rat. This study investigated the influence of Carolina rinse and adenosine rinse on early graft function, microcirculation, and leukocyte (WBC)-endothelial cell interaction of arterialized syngeneic orthotopic liver transplants in Lewis rats. Livers were preserved for 24 hr in University of Wisconsin solution and flushed immediately before reperfusion with either Ringer's lactate (group A: n = 7), Ringer's lactate + 0.2 mmol/liter adenosine (group B: n = 6), or Carolina rinse (group C: n = 7). Microvascular perfusion and WBC accumulation were assessed by intravital fluorescence microscopy. In group C, acinar perfusion was significantly improved, accompanied by a lower percentage of nonperfused sinusoids 1 hr after reperfusion (mean +/- SEM: 26 +/- 2% [group A], 21 +/- 2% [B], 11 +/- 1% [C], P < 0.01 for C vs. A or B). In addition, Carolina rinse and, to a lesser extent, adenosine rinse reduced the number of WBC sticking in sinusoids and postsinusoidal venules. Better graft function in group C was indicated by increased bile flow during the observation period of 90 min after reperfusion (0.5 +/- 0.3 ml/100 g liver [group A], 1.5 +/- 0.7 [B], 3.7 +/- 0.6 [C], P < 0.01 for C vs. A or B). We conclude that Carolina rinse is able to improve early excretory hepatocellular function, microvascular perfusion, and intrahepatic WBC accumulation after prolonged cold ischemia and reperfusion, but adenosine is unlikely to be the key component of this rinse solution.