81 cases of herpes zoster ophthalmicus with ocular affection, hospitalized in the clinic of ophthalmology between 1980-1991, are presented. The most frequent ocular complications were dendritic keratitis and punctate epithelial keratitis in 12 cases, neurotrophic keratitis in 7 cases, keratoendothelitis in 22 cases, iritis and iridocyclitis in 26 cases posterior uveitis in 3 cases. Seldom complications, presented each with a single case, were secondary glaucoma, optical postnevritical atrophy, oculomotor nerves palsy. The lesions were equally distributed between the two eyes. The associations of these complications determined visual acuity diminishing below 1/10 in 27 cases. In spite of association of classical treatment with recent antiviral medication and due to serious ocular complications which appear at most of 50% of the patients with herpes zoster ophthalmicus, the functional prognosis remains reserved.