In this study we have investigated, at the population and the clonal levels, the immunophenotypes and the non-specific cytotoxic functions of peripheral blood lymphocytes from three stage IV neuroblastoma patients receiving treatment with recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon alpha (IFN alpha). Both IL-2 alone and the combination of IL-2 and IFN alpha caused an in vivo expansion of CD56+, CD3- NK cells most of which expressed the p75 molecule, i.e. the beta chain of the IL-2 receptor. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), drawn after treatment, displayed an increased NK activity, but no lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity. However, the subsequent in vitro culture of PBMC with high-dose IL-2 induced the generation of a potent LAK activity, which was mediated by an expanded population of CD3+, CD8+ T cells. Finally lymphocytes that had been isolated after cytokine therapy were cloned, in the presence of low-dose phytohemagglutin, immediately or following culture with IL-2. Clones derived from LAK cells expanded in vitro had predominantly a CD3+, CD8+ immunophenotype, whereas those raised from freshly separated lymphocytes were either CD3+, CD4+ or CD3+, CD8+ in equal proportions. Most of the above clones were poorly or not at all cytolytic against NK-sensitive or NK-resistant targets. In contrast, the few NK clones obtained (CD3-, CD56+) lysed all targets with high efficiency.