The spectrum and pattern of p53 mutations detected in 42 cases of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) were analyzed, and several interesting features were noted. Codon 209 in the p53 gene may be a new hot-spot for p53 mutation in B-CLL disease. Four of the 42 (10%) reported B-CLL p53 mutations occurred at codon 209 versus none in 214 cases of other lymphoid malignancies screened for p53 mutations (P = 0.0006). Transversion mutations predominated at codon 273 rather than the transition mutations that are known to occur at this CpG site. Four of six (67%) B-CLL cases had transversions at codon 273 compared with two of 17 (12%) of all other lymphoid tumors examined (P = 0.02). In addition, over 65% of the p53 mutations detected in B-CLL showed a strand bias for p53 mutations on the untranscribed DNA strand. This feature of DNA strand bias is notable in cancers of the lung, esophagus, and head and neck, which may result from high exposure to carcinogens. This spectrum of p53 mutations in B-CLL together with the high frequency of transversion mutations and DNA strand bias may implicate environmental carcinogens associated with p53 gene damage in some B-CLL patients.