We investigated genital-associated lymphoid tissue (GENALT) in non-human primates (macaques), by augmenting vaginal with oral immunization. The vaccine was a recombinant particulate SIV antigen (p27:Ty-VLP), linked to CT-B, and administered into the vagina by a paediatric naso-gastric tube and into the stomach by a gastric tube. Oro-vaginal or vagino-oral sequence of immunization elicited specific CD4+ T cell proliferative responses to p27 antigen in the genital lymph nodes and the spleen but not in unrelated lymph nodes. CD4+ T cells reconstituted with B cells and macrophages from the genital lymph nodes induced specific IgA and to a lesser extent IgG anti-p27 antibodies. However, the corresponding splenic cells induced greater IgG than IgA antibody synthesis. Intramuscular immunization primed splenic but not genital lymph node cells, and induced CD4+ T cell proliferative responses and predominantly B cell IgG antibody synthesis. Finding primed B and T cells in the genital lymph nodes after augmenting vaginal by oral immunization provides experimental evidence for GENALT in non-human primates. This primate model of vaginal immunization suggests 3 levels of specific immunity: (1) secretory IgA (and IgG) in the cervico-vaginal mucosal epithelium; (2) primed CD4+ T cells and B cells in the genital lymph nodes and the spleen; and (3) circulating CD4+ T cells, B cells and IgG and IgA antibodies specific to the immunizing antigen.