A community-based study of provirus load in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 2-infected subjects was done in a rural village in Guinea-Bissau. HIV-2 provirus load varied considerably, with a geometric mean of 124.3 (95% confidence interval, 86.0-179.6) copies/10(5) CD4 cells, which is a level similar to that found in HIV-1 infection. Neither malaria parasitemia, active syphilis, or human T cell leukemia virus coinfection significantly influenced provirus load, nor did age. Eleven of 104 HIV-2-infected subjects had died after 3 years of follow-up; 9 of those who died had a high provirus load of > or = 100 copies/10(5) CD4 cells and a relatively low CD4 cell percentage of < 29%.