DeLisi et al. (1994b) have examined the X and Y chromosomes for linkage to schizophrenia in 126 small families and report a small positive LOD score for the marker DXS7, adjacent to the MAO locus at Xp11.4-11.3. Because of this, we have examined the DXS7 for linkage to schizophrenia using 17 pedigrees in which male-to-male transmission of schizophrenia was absent. Alleles at DXS7 were genotyped using the PCR and LOD scores calculated using five models of inheritance, including classical dominant recessive and intermediate models. LOD scores were substantially negative for all models examined and analysis for linkage heterogeneity using the LOD2 method showed no significance. Analysis by the nonparametric affected sib-pair method likewise indicated no linkage. We conclude that DXS7 is not a major locus for schizophrenia in our collection of pedigrees.