In mixed infections of Schistosoma haematobium and S. mattheei, homospecific and heterospecific pairs are formed, with a preponderance of homospecific pairs indicating the existence of a mate preference system. S. haematobium apparently exhibits a greater specific mate recognition system than does S. mattheei. In sequential infections when mice are exposed to S. mattheei 4 weeks after infection with S. haematobium, S. haematobium males are better at pairing with S. mattheei females than are S. mattheei males. Hence, genetic exchanges between S. haematobium and S. mattheei giving rise to viable hybrids poses the problem of the genetic identity of these species of schistosomes. The most important reproductive isolating mechanisms are definitive host specificity, S. haematobium being primarily a parasite of man, whereas S. mattheei is a parasite of domestic stock and wild ungulates, and the preference for homospecific pairings in simultaneous infections. In contrast, when S. haematobium is the older infection, S. haematobium males are better than S. mattheei males at pairing with females of either species. Hybridisation is the likely outcome of such interactions. The lack of viability of S. mattheei male X S. haematobium female indicates genetic differences between the two species. Occurrences of natural hybridisation between S. haematobium and S. mattheei may lead to a change in the response of the parasite to chemotherapeutic treatment.