We previously showed that intra-arterial endotoxin infusion (lipopolysaccharide [LPS]: 25 micrograms.kg-1) induced an early (15 min) and sustained (480 min) rise in plasma ACTH associated with delayed (60-120 min) increases in plasma concentrations of TNF alpha, IL-6, and IL-1 beta. In the present study, we followed the post-LPS time-course of immunocytochemical expression of Fos-like activity in CRH41 neurons whose immunolabeling was enhanced by icv colchicine pretreatment 48 h before the LPS, and CRH41 release in the push-pull cannulated median eminence of free-moving rats, in parallel with the ACTH response. The earliest Fos-like activity in IR-CHR41 neurons was detected 30 min post-LPS. Colchicine strongly inhibited the LPS-induced activation of Fos expression in single-labeled paraventricular neurons. CRH41 release in the median eminence displayed a biphasic stimulation pattern, with a first peak (+60%) at 15 min together with the ACTH surge, followed by a second rise beginning at 45 min and lasting more than 2 h. Thus, the early stage of the ACTH surge following a nonlethal endotoxin challenge (< 60 min) already involves the activation of CRH41-producing neurons.