A 54-year-old male presented with acute rejection and life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding 2 months following orthotopic liver transplantation. Since no bleeding was identified in the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract, hematobilia was first suspected and an arteriocholedochal fistula angiographically confirmed. Two days after resection of a pseudoaneurysm of the hepatic artery (HA) with primary repair and closure of the bile duct fistula, hepatic artery thrombosis (HAT) occurred. Various attempts to revascularize the HA eventually failed. Two weeks later, a CT scan showed necrotic areas within the two left lateral segments. At relaparotomy, major parts of the bile duct were found to be necrotic, and the biliary anastomosis was therefore abandoned and necrotic tissue removed. HAT was otherwise well tolerated by the graft and, at a further relaparotomy some weeks later, a hepaticojejunostomy was performed. Two years after transplantation the patient is well with a normally functioning graft.