A 26-year-old man with Graves' hyperthyroidism associated with central diabetes insipidus (DI), initially showed hypercalcemic crisis. Initially, very low serum levels of intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 and a moderate rise of serum C-terminal PTH related protein (C-PTHrP) were observed which strongly suggested a humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy due to PTHrP. However, the serum C-PTHrP level later became normal. Mild hyperprolactinemia, no responses of growth hormone (GH) to insulin-induced hypoglycemia despite a normal growth hormone releasing hormone (GRH) test and mild thickening of the pituitary stalk on magnetic resonance imaging were observed. Thus, an autoimmune nature of his central DI is considered; it is noteworthy that the serum C-PTHrP level may be elevated by renal failure in patients with hypercalcemia due to causes other than PTHrP.