Fenestrae control the exchange of fluids, dissolved compounds and small particles between the blood and the space of Disse, and are primarily limited at one side by parenchymal cells. We recently described a simple and rapid method for the isolation, purification and cultivation of rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cells. With regard to the purity and morphology of liver endothelial cells, a detailed microscopic study was performed. Purity and viability after selective adherence was 74 and 95%, respectively. Liver endothelial cell purity was further enhanced to about 95% during adherence and spreading on collagen after 8 h of culture. Liver endothelial cells isolated by this method provide a viable cell population, enabling the study of structure and function of these cells in vitro. We investigated the cytoskeleton associated with fenestrae and sieve plates of liver endothelial cells. Cultured cells were slightly fixed and treated with cytoskeleton extraction buffer containing 0.1% Triton. Whole mounts of extracted liver endothelial cells were prepared for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Extracted liver endothelial cells show an integral, intricate cytoskeleton. Sieve plates and fenestrae are clearly delineated by cytoskeleton elements. Fenestrae are surrounded by a filamentous, fenestrae-associated cytoskeleton ring with an average filament thickness of 16 nm. Additionally, sieve plates are surrounded and delineated by microtubuli, which form a network together with additional branching cytoskeletal elements. Microtubuli are sometimes found delineating linear arrangements of fenestrae. In conclusion, liver endothelial cells possess a cytoskeleton, that defines and supports sieve plates and fenestrae. Fenestrae-associated cytoskeleton rings are involved in determining the size of fenestrae. The fenestrae-associated cytoskeleton therefore probably controls the important hepatic function of endothelial filtration.