A multiresidue extraction method based on matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) is optimized for the extraction and gas chromatographic screening of eighteen insecticides (aldrin, carbophenothion, captafol, chlorpyriphos, chlorfenvinphos, diazinon, dicofol, alpha-endosulfan, beta-endosulfan, ethion, fenitrothion, folpet, methidathion, malathion, methyl-azinphos, methyl-parathion, phosmet, and tetradifon) from oranges. After optimization of different parameters, such as type of solid phase used and the amount of solid phase or eluent, recoveries ranged from 67 to 102% with relative standard deviations ranging from 2 to 10%. The limits of detection, calculated as 3 times the baseline noise ranged from 2 to 171 micrograms/kg. These limits of detection were about 10 times lower than the maximum residue levels established by the European Community. Compared with classical methods, the described procedure is simple, less labour intensive and does not require preparation and maintenance of equipment. Troublesome emulsions, such as those frequently observed in liquid-liquid partitioning did not occur.