Purpose: To determine whether the diagnostic quality of computed tomography (CT) during arterial portography (CTAP) performed via the splenic artery (SA) is better than that performed via the superior mesenteric artery (SMA).
Materials and methods: The authors evaluated CTAP images obtained in 98 patients from 1991 to 1994; 47 examinations were performed via the SA and 51 were performed via the SMA. Images were reviewed, by consensus, by three radiologists blinded to catheter location. Hepatic enhancement was quantitatively assessed in 53 patients (31 in the SA group, 22 in the SMA group).
Results: The numbers of low-attenuation non-tumor-related perfusion defects (19 in the SA group, 17 in the SMA group), high-attenuation non-tumor-related perfusion defects (six in the SA group, six in the SMA group), diffuse mottled perfusion abnormalities (six in the SA group, five in the SMA group), and portal venous flow defects (20 in the SA group, 20 in the SMA group) were similar in both groups (P > .05). Peak hepatic enhancement was similar in both groups (SMA group = 111 HU; SA group = 112 HU) (P > .05).
Conclusion: There is no difference in quality between CTAP performed via the SA versus CTAP performed via the SMA.