On pig farms, elimination of the argasid ticks acting as reservoirs and vectors for African swine fever greatly favours the eradication of this disease. The elimination of Ornithodoros erraticus involves many problems, most of which could be easily solved by the development of an anti-O. erraticus vaccine. With a view to developing this vaccine, we have tested the protective value of the immune response induced in swine by seven 'concealed' antigens and one soluble salivary gland extract. The latter extract was also prepared from Ornithodoros moubata specimens and tested against this tick. Our results indicate that the immune response elicited by the concealed antigens has no protective value against O. erraticus. The immune response induced by the salivary gland extracts against adults of O. erraticus and O. moubata was apparent in a reduced ingestion of blood (40-60%; P < 0.01) (except in males of O. erraticus) and in a significant decrease (40-60%; P < 0.01) in fecundity in 100% of the females of both species. The good results obtained with salivary antigens, which in situations of natural contact have no protective value, are attributed to the fact that when these antigens are injected with adjuvants, the immune system recognizes certain salivary components (probably those which enable the parasite to feed) which it does not recognize under natural conditions of exposure.