The Bladder T.C.C. represents about 70% of urological malignancies. Superficial T.C.C. is generally treated with T.U.R. followed by endocavitary chemoprophylaxis (Mitomycin, Antraciclines etc.). Invasive tumors are cured by radical cystectomy and reconstructive lower urinary tract. T1G3 bladder cancer (involvement but no invasion of muscle layers) is a "border line" lesion and is not uniformely treated (some Authors choose a "conservative approach with T.U.R. and chemoprophylaxis, some others prefer an "aggressive" treatment with radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. Authors present their experience in the treatment of T1G3 (19 patients in 4 years with one year minimum follow-up) with a "conservative" approach (bladder T.U.R.) but "aggressive" post-operative treatement (immunotherapy with B.C.G. vaccine) and endoscopic reevaluation after ten weeks from the first observation. Prognostic factors are examined (number and dimension of the tumors, concomitant mild or severe dysplasia, positive or not citology) in order to extrapolate patients that will be at risk for develop an aggressive disease.