One hundred twenty-eight valvular surgeries in patients over 70-year-old were reviewed (AVR:58, MVR:38, AVR and MVR: 11, mitral valvuloplasty (MVP): 11, AVR + MVP:11, mitral valvuloplasty (MVP): 11, AVR + MVP: 8, others: 2). Concomitant CABG was performed in 7, Maze in 6, TVR in 5 and Bentall in 3 cases. Early deaths occurred in 17 patients (13%). The early mortality was 5% in AVR, 21% MVR, 18% in AVR and MVR, 0% in MVP and 38% in AVR and MVP. Late death occurred in 16 patients. Forty-three percent of the late deaths were cardiac death. The actuarial survival at 10 years was around 50% in all groups. In the aortic position, a mechanical valve was implanted in 47 cases and a bioprosthetic valve was implanted in 33 cases. In the mitral position, the mechanical valve was implanted in 37 cases and the bioprosthetic valve was implanted in 12 cases. The event free rate after AVR at 10 years was 37% in patients with the mechanical valve (3 cerebral hemorrhage, 2 PVE, 1 thromboembolism and 1 sudden death) and 46% in patients with the bioprosthetic valve (2 PVE and 1 primary tissue failure). The event free rate after MVR at 10 years was 84% in patients with mechanical valves (1 perivalvular leak, 1 PVE and 1 sudden death) and 75% in patients with bioprosthetic valves (1 PVE and 1 sudden death). Between mechanical valve group and bioprosthesis group, no statistically significance was found in the event free curve after AVR nor MVR. There was no valve related event after MVP. Considering the better durability of bioprostheses in the aortic position than in the mitral position, the presence of atrial fibrillation and necessity of warfarin anticoagulation, we conclude that a choice of a bioprosthetic valve could be acceptable in the aortic position, but may not be recommended in the mitral position.