An epidemiological inquiry of humancysticercosis due to Taenia solium was carried out in Lagamar, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, in 1992. A survey of 1109 houses with 3344 inhabitants was made. The inquiry included 875 (86%) families and the questionnaire was answered by an informer, who was the father in 80% of the cases. One hundred pigsties, sheltering 406 swines in extremely precarious conditions, were found in 100 (11.4%) houses. A history on taeniasis in some member of the family was verified in 300 (34.2%) houses. A history of seizures was referred to by 125 (14.2%) of families. The outset of convulsion in adult age was characterized in 39 (37.8%) families. A history of mental disorder was reported in 53 (6.0%) of houses. Stool examinations were positive for Taenia spp in 24 (1.3%) of samples examined.