A 52-year-old male with the chief complaint of hemo-sputum was diagnosed after detailed examination as epidermoid carcinoma in the right upper lobe bronchus through the bifurcation. Thoracotomy revealed infiltration of carcinoma into the right main pulmonary artery and the superior vena cava, which could not be excised. Subsequent postoperative radiotherapy (69 Gy) showed NC. Then concomitant administration of UFT-E and a low dose of CDDP was started on an outpatient basis. After the third course of treatment (six weeks per course), a significant reduction was noted in the size of the carcinoma. Bronchoscopy revealed CR with the elimination of carcinoma to mere traces. Besides the myelosuppression seen at the end of the second course of treatment, which resulted in a two-week hospitalization for blood transfusion, no adverse effect prevented the patient from continuing the outpatient treatment courses and from returning to work. We consider that the treatment was very successful not only for its effectiveness in reducing the carcinoma but also for the high QOL achieved.